By Erin Achauer

My Poems
Poetry is a way for me to unwind all the thoughts from my head Let all of my feelings out
and catalog them on paper
So I can express myself
and remember
Death of Passion
I have a confession to make
Part of me wants this world to end
Or at least this one
with its endless 9 to 5’s stuck in concrete jungles never truly being satisfied with life
I want it to rip open so I can escape
and be with the ones I love
doing what I love
I am working to unlearn normalcy
It’s just not me, and there’s nothing wrong with that
Trying to blend in and police my actions
makes me miserable
I remember being young
and so ashamed of myself
that I put all of my energy into trying hide these parts of me But I am no longer ashamed
Another Poem About a Boy
Leaving did not hurt like I thought it would Seeing you cry did though
Sometimes I still miss making you laugh but it is not a violent feeling
just a peaceful sadness
Erin is a sophomore at Lincoln Memorial University. She majors in Art and has a minor in English. Writing has become one of her favorite outlets - it allows her to express her thoughts and feelings in a healthy way that she can be proud of.”